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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Velvento 5 - Mountain Monastery

We also stopped at a very old monastery on the way down the mountain. My father (with all of his family, his town, and many towns from around the area) would go there twice a year for a festival-like gathering with barbecue, celebration of family, friends, and for those who were interested (most people back in those times), religion. They would have dancing in the pavilion along with live music and singing. While this all sounds like a great time, what is significant about it is that my father remembers all of this. He was so young (six years) when he left Greece that many memories are faded, but this one remains crisp in his mind. They would go on the 14th of August (coincidentally my dad's birthday). Theo Niko had promised dad that he would take him there before the day was over, but when we arrived the gates were locked and no one was in sight to let us in. While the family sat somewhat disappointed, my cousin Giorgo and I climbed and jumped over the wall to open the gate from the inside. Everybody had begun to walk to the cars again as we did this, and to their surprise we opened the door and yelled out "Come back, we are here"! The family turned and laughed together as they all poured into the monastery. It was pretty standard inside apart from a beautiful garden and amazing stone work.

I stumbled upon possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen in any religious setting. A RAZOR SCOOTER!! Are you kidding? We're on a mountain. In Northern Greece. Inside a monastery we had to break into (forgive us please, it was for the family). And I found a holy razor scooter. Beat that...

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