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Monday, July 5, 2010

Velvento 15 - Down Time

Shabd and I worked on the blog quite a bit out on the porch as well. She would tediously edit photos for our photo albums as well as for your enjoyment ;). I would write and write and write...and write some more...Family would come and go and we'd feel a bit guilty for spending ANY time on the computer because we were such typical Americans asking the question: "Where can we get internet for my laptop??"

On the other hand, it was easy to put the work down to chase the girls around the neighborhood. Plus, I was able to get in my weight training with the two eight-year-old girls! I guess they thought I was some sort of carnival ride because they persistently looked at me with mischievous smiles until I would pick them up into the air, one locked onto each arm. They couldn't get enough, but after about 45 times I had to retire. Kids are hard work!

My mom even taught them a yoga lesson one day! They absolutely loved it and did the poses every day for the rest of our trip. What was most impressive was how good they were and how quickly they learned. Whenever she came into the room the rest of that day they would pose for her and laugh...So cute.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zach, that's awesome how you did weight-training lifting 2 children. They're not dead weight, so it's even harder! Will read more later - from Mrs. Shively
