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Sunday, January 30, 2011

20 - Family BBQ at Nick and Cathy's

Our last night in Sydney the whole family gathered at cousin Nick and Kathy's for one last family dinner. Upon our arrival, we looked at the back yard where Nick and Cathy have planted plum trees and oregano plants.

Everyone hung outside on the patio having a few drinks and chatting as usual, doing more catching up and laughing all the way through. One big and very happy family.

After we ate, Nick and I played a few games of pool, which has been dad and my favorite bonding activity as I've grown up (that and going to see movies...yeah dad likes activities where silence is golden, haha). The radio was blasting modern pop/dance music, so Luke busted out his moves...

The kids played video games, built up the play houses, ran circles around the whole house a million times and even started their own rock band!

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